Source code for flask_open_directory.base.open_directory_abc

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import abc
from typing import Union
from contextlib import contextmanager
import ldap3

from .._compat import ContextManager

ConnectionCtx = ContextManager[Union[None, ldap3.Connection]]

[docs]class OpenDirectoryABC(metaclass=abc.ABCMeta): """This ``abc`` has all the methods that should be implemented for an object to be considered a valid ``OpenDirectory`` subclass. All of the methods must be implemented to create a subclass, or to pass an ``isinstance`` or ``issubclass`` check. """ @property @abc.abstractmethod def server_url(self) -> str: # pragma: no cover """Return the ldap server url. Used for the ldap connection. """ pass @property @abc.abstractmethod def base_dn(self) -> str: # pragma: no cover """Return the base ldap domain. Used to build ldap queries. """ pass @property @abc.abstractmethod def connection(self) -> Union[ldap3.Connection, None]: # pragma: no cover """An :class:`ldap3.Connection` used for queries. This should only return a connection if there is a flask application running with the connection stored on it. """ pass @contextmanager @abc.abstractmethod
[docs] def connection_ctx(self) -> ConnectionCtx: # pragma: no cover """A context manager to yield an :class:`ldap3.Connection`, this should try to create a connection regardless of if a flask application is running. """ pass
@classmethod def __subclasshook__(cls, Cls): if cls is OpenDirectoryABC: methods = [ any('server_url' in dir(B) for B in Cls.__mro__), any('base_dn' in dir(B) for B in Cls.__mro__), any('connection' in dir(B) for B in Cls.__mro__), any('connection_ctx' in dir(B) for B in Cls.__mro__), ] if all(methods): return True return NotImplemented