Source code for flask_open_directory.model.model_abc

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import abc
from typing import Dict, Union, Tuple, Any
import ldap3

[docs]class ModelABC(metaclass=abc.ABCMeta): """An abstract class with some default implementations for a model, which maps the ``OpenDirectory (ldap attributes)`` to a python object. Any of the methods that have a default implementation can be accessed on a derived subclass via the ``super`` mechanism. """ _query_cn = None @classmethod @abc.abstractmethod
[docs] def ldap_attribute_map(cls) -> Dict[str, str]: # pragma: no cover """Return a mapping of <model attribute: ldap key> values. This does not have a default implementation, and must be implemented on the subclass. """ pass
[docs] def ldap_keys(cls) -> Tuple[str]: """Return all the ldap keys This default implementation returns the ``values`` from the :meth:`ldap_attribute_map`. You can use the default implementation from the ``super`` mechanism in your subclass. """ return tuple(cls.ldap_attribute_map().values())
[docs] def attribute_name_for(cls, ldap_key: str) -> Union[None, str]: """Retrieve the python model object's attribute name for a given ldap entry key. This default implementation checks the :meth:`ldap_attribute_map`, returning, ``key`` for the ``value`` in the mapping, or ``None`` if not found. You can use the default implementation from the ``super`` mechanism in your subclass. :param ldap_key: The ldap entry key. """ for key, value in cls.ldap_attribute_map().items(): if str(value) == str(ldap_key): return key
[docs] def query_cn(cls) -> str: """Return the query cn to be used in queries. This value will get added to the ``base_dn`` as 'cn=<this value>,<base_dn>' for queries. The default implementation returns the lower case version of the class name and appends an 's'. You can use the default implementation from the ``super`` mechanism in your subclass. Example:: # given a base dn of 'dc=example,dc=com' >>> class User(ModelABC): pass >>> open_directory = OpenDirectory() >>> query = Query(open_directory=open_directory, model=User) >>> query.search_base 'cn=users,dc=example,dc=com' """ return cls._query_cn or cls.__name__.lower() + 's'
[docs] def from_entry(cls, entry: ldap3.Entry) -> Any: """Return an instance of the class from an :class:`ldap3.Entry` The default implementation requires that a subclass accepts ``kwargs`` for all attributes in it's ``__init__`` method. :param entry: An :class:`ldap3.Entry` to convert to this python model. :rtype: An instance of the python model. """ return cls(**entry.entry_attributes_as_dict)
@classmethod def __subclasshook__(cls, Cls): if cls is ModelABC: methods = [ any('ldap_attribute_map' in dir(B) for B in Cls.__mro__), any('attribute_name_for' in dir(B) for B in Cls.__mro__), any('query_cn' in dir(B) for B in Cls.__mro__), any('from_entry' in dir(B) for B in Cls.__mro__), any('ldap_keys' in dir(B) for B in Cls.__mro__), ] if all(methods): return True return NotImplemented # pragma: no cover