Running Tests ============= The tests for this package, currently, must be ran on your local machine. There should be a working ``OpenDirectory`` environment with proper DNS set-up, and this package needs a few environment variables set in order to run the tests properly. The Following Environment Variables are Needed for Testing:: ########################## # CONFIGURATION VARIABLES ########################## OPEN_DIRECTORY_SERVER # defaults to local host # optional see also configuration OPEN_DIRECTORY_BASE_DN ############################ # TESTING SPECIFIC VARIABLES ############################ # a username used in a lot of the tests that require a user. # this user should also be a part of the ``OPEN_DIRECTORY_TEST_GROUP`` OPEN_DIRECTORY_TEST_USERNAME # defaults to 'testuser' # the ``OPEN_DIRECTORY_TEST_USERNAME``'s full name OPEN_DIRECTORY_TEST_USER_FULL_NAME # defaults to 'Test User' # the ``OPEN_DIRECTORY_TEST_USERNAME``'s email address OPEN_DIRECTORY_TEST_USER_EMAIL # defaults to '' # a group that the ``OPEN_DIRECTORY_TEST_USERNAME`` is a member of OPEN_DIRECTORY_TEST_GROUP # defaults to 'testgroup' # a username that is part of macOS server's ``workgroup``, but not a member # of the ``OPEN_DIRECTORY_TEST_GROUP`` OPEN_DIRECTORY_TEST_WORKGROUP_USERNAME # defaults to testuser2